Life has been quite easy for us, and this is because of the values that we have, we have peae because we respect one another, but some say that those valueshad vanished or is vanishing as time passses by. But  do I really believe that those values that kept my world, our world going for the past thousand years is now gone?
        No, I think our values did not vanished  but instead, it changed, it goes with the flow. We  still respect each other but in other ways, we still work together, vendors and costumers can still work things out. Teachers are still respected by the students , elders are still respected and loved by the younger ones I think ourvalues will never vanish, cause if it did then the streets would be a war zone. There would not be any shelter for the needy. There will be chaos , No one can imagine the world withoit values because our world will always be made by the people living. The love and care that they give to one another and most importantly the values that we treasure from the earlier years.
         So, never be worried about what you hear that values had vanished,as you always remember that our life is made by the values that we have and life and values will go up and down together.